Online Exercises, Spring 2017
ENG  001-BB,
ENG 101-GA


Brian T. Murphy

Bradley Hall, Y-16
516-572-7185, ext. 25686

e-mail: [email protected]

Schedule and Office Hours




In The Norton Online Handbook read the assigned chapters listed below; for example, �Complete Sentences,� �Fragments,� and �Comma Splices and Fused Sentences� (Norton S-1, 2, and 3). (Use the icon at the bottom left to display the Table of Contents.) After you have completed the reading, click on and complete each of the following multiple-choice exercises. For each, be sure to select ten questions, not five, and review carefully if you get a question wrong. If you score 8, 9, or 10 out of 10 (80% or better), submit your scores; otherwise, reread the material and try again. Be sure to include your full name, section (GA or BB) and my correct email: [email protected].

Readings from the Norton Online Handbook are identified below by title and section number; e.g., �Sentence Fragments� (Norton S-2); online exercises are direct links.
All readings and exercises must be completed before the dates for which they are listed.

Note: This and the main class schedule and the  are subject to revision according to the instructor�s discretion, the academic calendar for the semester, school closings due to inclement weather or other reasons, and the progress of the class. Additions or changes will be announced in class, and they will also be posted here as well as on the appropriate class Announcements page.




Due Date:

 Readings and Assignments:

 6 Feb


 �Complete Sentences� (Norton S-1), �Fragments� (Norton S-2), �Comma Splices and Fused Sentences� (Norton S-3)

 Online Exercises:

Sentence Elements, Clauses, Phrases;
Identifying Fragments, Editing Fragments, Comma Splices and Fused Sentences, Editing Comma Splices and Fused Sentences

 Note: Do not attempt online exercises or the in-class work until we have discussed both assignments in class.

 13 Feb


�Subject-Verb Agreement� (Norton S-5), �Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement� (Norton S-6a)

 Online Exercises:

S-V Agreement Review, S-V Separated, Compound Subjects, Subject after Verb, Collective Nouns, Indefinite Pronouns, Who, That, Which

Pronoun Review, Pronoun Agreement

 27 Feb


�Adjectives and Adverbs� (Norton W-5)

 Online Exercises:

Adjectives and Adverbs - 1, Adjectives and Adverbs - 2, Modifier Placement

 6 Mar


�Pronoun Reference (Norton S-6b), �Pronoun Case (Norton S-6c), �Verbs (Norton S-4)

 Online Exercises:

Pronoun Reference, Pronoun Case

Verb Tenses, Verb Forms, Active and Passive, Mood

 13 Mar


  �Audience,� �Genre� (Bullock 57-63); �Words� (Norton W)
 (especially �Appropriate Words� (W-1), �Precise Words� (W-2), and �Unnecessary Words� (W-4))

 Online Exercises:

Appropriate Words - 1, Appropriate Words - 2, Precise Words

Commonly Confused Words - 1, Commonly Confused Words - 2, Commonly Confused Words - 3

Empty Words and Expletives, Wordy Phrases and Redundancies

 *See also,  Spelling Demons
                    What Are the Most Often Misspelled Words?
                    Frequently Misspelled Words,  �Spell Check Poem� and The Spell Checker Poem
                    �Garbage In, Garbage Out: Errors Caused by Spell-Checking
                    �Don�t Computers Make Spelling Instruction Unnecessary?� (in Malatesha Joshi, R., Rebecca Treiman, Suzanne Carreker,
                          and Louisa C. Moats.  �How Words Cast Their Spell: Spelling Is an Integral Part of Learning the Language, Not a Matter
                          of Memorization.� American Educator: A  Quarterly Journal of Educational Research  and Ideas 32.4  (Winter 2008-09):
                          6-16, 42. 

 20 Mar


 �Punctuation� and �Mechanics� (Norton P-1 through

  Online Exercises (Note: Those indicated with an asterisk are optional, at least for now)

Commas: Review
*Commas: Independent Clauses, Commas: Introductory Words, Commas: Series, Commas: Nonrestrictive Clauses, Commas: Parenthetical, Commas: Quotations etc, Commas: Addresses & Dates

Semicolon: Review
*Semicolon: Independent Clauses, Semicolons: Series

End Punctuation: Review

Quotation Marks: Review
*Quotation Marks: Quotations, Quotation Marks: Titles, Double and Single Quotation Marks

Question Marks: Punctuation

Apostrophes: Review
*Apostrophes: Possessives, Apostrophes: Contractions, Apostrophes: Possessives & Plurals

Capitalization: Review
*Capitals: Proper Nouns, , Capitals: Titles & Sentences

Italics: Review
Italics: Titles, Italics: Non-English Words

Colons, Dashes, Parentheses, and Brackets
*Hyphens: Compounds, Hyphens: Word Breaks
*Abbreviations: Review




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Last Revised: Thursday, 9 February 2017
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