LIT 270: Introduction to Poetry
Spring II 2013
Section 7502: Mon, Tue. & Thu. 9:15�11:30
                    Room C-253

Brian T. Murphy

LaGuardia Community College
Schedule and Office Hours
e-mail: [email protected]
or [email protected]

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.


 "C�mon, people, this poetry isn�t going to appreciate itself!"�Bart Simpson


The following selective lists are intended to provide jumping off points for research;
these lists are not to be construed as an exhaustive collection of the "best" links. While every effort is made to verify the accuracy and usefulness of these links and their contents, no guarantees are made. Please notify me of any broken or outdated links at [email protected].

General Literature Links Selected Authors
Selected Texts Grammar, Writing, and Research Papers
Additional Links Additional Textbook Options






General Literature and Poetry Links

The Academy of American Poets Modern American Poetry (Dept. of English, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
The Academy of American Poets -- Listening Booth Nineteenth-Century British & Irish Writers
American Literature: Electronic Texts Norton Poets Online
The American Poetry Review The Online Poetry Classroom
Atlantic Unbound Poetry Pages Poems That Go

The Bartleby Project (Electronic texts)


British and Irish Authors on the Web

The Poetry Archives (

British Poetry 1780-1910: A Hypertext Archive

Poetry Online
A Celebration of Women Writers from England Poetry Previews
The Contemporary Poetry Review

The Pre-Raphaelite Critic

Electronic Poetry Center: SUNY Buffalo

 Project Gutenberg (Project Gutenberg)

Electronic Resources for Nineteenth Century Studies (review with links)

Representative Poetry Online (Electronic texts)

English Literature on the Web

Romantic Circles (University of Maryland)

Favorite Poem Project

Romantic Links

IASIL: International Association for the Study of Irish Literatures

Romanticism: Introduction

Literary Calendar (a literary  almanac)

Romanticism on the Net (online journal) 

Literary Resources: Victorian British

University of Virginia Electronic Text Center (Electronic texts; some access limited)

Literary Resources: 20th-Century British & Irish 

University of Toronto English Library (Electronic texts)

Literary Resources on the Net: General

The Victorian Women Writers Project



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Selected Authors:

Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)
Matthew Arnold - The Academy of American Poets
Arnold, Matthew. The Literary Criticism of Matthew Arnold. ...
Matthew Arnold (Representative Poetry Online)

Culture and Anarchy

Margaret Atwood (1939- )
Margaret Atwood - OW Toad
Atwood Society Margaret Atwood Information Site
Margaret Atwood

W[ystan] H[ugh] Auden (1907-1973)
W. H. Auden (biographical sketch and selected poems)
W. H. Auden
The W. H. Auden Society

Gwendolyn Brooks (1917-2000)
Gwendolyn Brooks - The Academy of American Poets
A Gwendolyn Brooks Page
The San Antonio College LitWeb Gwendolyn Brooks Page

Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861)
Elizabeth Barrett Browning - The Academy of American Poets
Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Robert Browning Page
Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Robert Burns (1759-1796)
The Bard
The Burns Federation
Robert Burns: A Bicentenary Exhibition
Welcome to Burns Country (official site)

Lewis Carroll [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson] (1832-1898)
Lewis Carroll: Academic Information
Lewis Carroll Homepage
Lewis Carroll: Photographer

Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle
Margaret Cavendish Society -- Information on the Society and its coonferences; images; links; and a big secondary bibliography.
Margaret Cavendish Bibliography (James Fitzmaurice, Northern Arizona Univ.)

Mary Lee, Lady Chudleigh (1656-1710)
Chudleigh Bibliography (Ezell)
Mary Lee, Lady Chudleigh

Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1722-1834)
The Samuel Taylor Coleridge Archive
with on-line annotated
texts of Coleridge�s poems
and a
critical essay on Coleridge�s conversation poems
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (Victorian Web)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Biography

Billy Collins (1941- )
Billy Collins - The Academy of American Poets
Billy Collins
Billy Collins - The Link Library

William Cowper
The San Antonio College LitWeb William Cowper Page
William Cowper
William Cowper: the early years

Countee Cullen (1903-1946)
Countee Cullen - The Academy of American Poets
Countee Cullen
Countee Cullen
Countee Cullen

e. e. cummings (1894-1962)
E. E. Cummings (Norton Poets Online)
An Unofficial EE Cummings Starting Point
EE Cummings - The Academy of American Poets
ee cummings

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
Dickinson Electronic Archives
Emily Dickinson Page
The Poetry of Emily Dickinson. Complete Poems of 1924 (
Emily Dickinson International Society
Emily Dickinson Page

John Donne (1572-1631)
Selected Poetry of John Donne (1572-1631)
John Donne (Incompetech�s somewhat satirical take on Donne)
John Donne - Biography and Works
John Donne -  (student essays on Donne�s work, poems, and links)
John Donne: The Love poetry of John Donne

Paul Laurence Dunbar (1872-1906)
Paul Laurence Dunbar Homepage
Paul Laurence Dunbar Digital Text Archives
Paul Laurence Dunbar biography, articles, photos and selected poems.
Paul Laurence Dunbar House
Paul Laurence Dunbar

Richard Eberhart (1904- )
Richard Eberhart - The Academy of American Poets
In a Dark Time ...: Richard Eberhart Archives

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965)
T. S. Eliot
The T. S. Eliot Page
What the Thunder Said: T. S. Eliot
TS Eliot (
TS Eliot - The Academy of American Poets

James Emanuel (1921- )
James A. Emanuel
James Emanuel - The Academy of American Poets
James Emanuel

Robert Frost (1874-1963)
A Frost Bouquet: An Exhibition in the Tracy W. McGregor Room (Univ. of Virginia) -- A highly illustrated exhibition on Frost�s life and works, including facsimiles of drafts and published poems.
The Robert Frost Web Site (biography, selected poems, and bibliographies)
In Quest of Robert Frost (links and a selection of poems)
Robert Frost

Thomas Hardy (1840-1928)
Thomas Hardy (Representative Poetry Online)
Thomas Hardy (from Literature Online)
Thomas Hardy E-Texts & Resources
The Thomas Hardy Online Society
The Thomas Hardy Society of North America
Thomas Hardy�s World
Wessex Poems and Other Verses (Bartleby Project)

Hashin (1864-?)

Seamus Heaney (1939-)
Seamus Heaney
Seamus Heaney: 1995 Nobel Laureate in Literature
Seamus Heaney (Norton Poets Online)
Seamus Heaney

George Herbert (1593-1633)
George Herbert (1593-1633)
George Herbert & The Temple

Robert Herrick (1591-1674)
Robert Herrick (1591-1674) (
Robert Herrick - The Academy of American Poets
Robert Herrick
Robert Herrick

Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889)
Gerard Hopkins (Dundee University)
Gerard Manley Hopkins Overview (The Victorian Web)
The Gerard Manley Hopkins Web
Selected Poetry

A[lfred] E[dward] Housman (1859-1936)
Selected Poems
A Shropshire Lad (complete text)
AE Housman
Housman, AE 1896. A Shropshire Lad
AE Housman Collection at
The Housman Society: Alfred Edward Housman

Langston Hughes (1902-1967)
Langston Hughes (biography and poetry)
Langston Hughes - The Academy of American Poets
Langston Hughes Langston Hughes (1902-1967) : Teacher Resource File

Ted Hughes (1930-1999)
Ted Hughes Pages
Ted Hughes Page ( biographies, bibliographies, reviews, original essays, links, and announcements)
Ted Hughes: Timeline

Randall Jarrell (1914-1965)
Randall Jarrell - The Academy of American Poets
Randall Jarrell
The Randall Jarrell Collection at UNCG
Randall Jarrell. 1914-1965

Paulette Jiles
100 Canadian Poets - Paulette Jiles - Profile
Interview with Paulette Jiles --

Ben Jonson (1572?-1637)
Ben Jonson (1572-1637)
Ben Jonson (1572-1637)
Ben Jonson: Biography
The Ben Jonson Journal

John Keats (1795-1821)
John Keats (Representative Poetry Online)
British Library�s John Keats Exhibit
John Keats (from Literature Online)
The Keats-Shelley House in Rome

The Poetical Works of John Keats (Bartleby Project)
The "Real" Grecian Urn?
Keats Exhibit (British Library)
Keats page (CUNY)
John Keats (Victorian Web)

Henry King
Poets� Corner - Henry King - Selected Works
Henry King. (

Denise Levertov
Denise Levertov - The Academy of American Poets
Denise Levertov
The Beat Page - Denise Levertov
American Literature Web Resources: Denise Levertov
Denise Levertov

Dorothy Livesay
100 Canadian Poets - Dorothy Livesay - Profile
Dorothy Livesay biography
An Interview with Dorothy Livesay
University of Manitoba : Archives & Special Collections

Audre Lorde
Audre Lorde (Norton Poets Online)
Audre Lorde Page
Audre Lorde
Voices From the Gaps: Audre Lorde

Richard Lovelace (1618-1657)
Richard Lovelace (1618-1657)
Passions in Poetry - Classical Poems by Richard Lovelace
Richard Lovelace
Poetry Archives @
Richard Lovelace (

Archibald Macleish
Archibald MacLeish - The Academy of American Poets
Archibald MacLeish

Christopher Marlowe (1654-1593)
The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe
The Marlowe Society
Christopher Marlowe (
Christopher Marlowe
Christopher Marlowe
The Life of Christopher Marlowe

Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)
Andrew Marvell (1621-1678)
Andrew Marvell

Roger McCough 

Claude McKay (1889-1948)
Claude McKay
Claude McKay
Claude McKay - The Academy of American Poets
Claude McKay
PAL: Claude McKay (1890-1948)

Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950)
Edna St. Vincent Millay - The Academy of American Poets
Edna St. Vincent Millay (fan site)
Edna St. Vincent Millay
Edna St. Vincent Millay Collection at

Marianne Moore (1887-1972)
Marianne Moore
Marianne Moore - The Academy of American Poets
Marianne Moore
Marianne Moore

Pat Mora (1942- )
Pat Mora - Author of poetry, nonfiction, and children�s books
Pat Mora
Voices From the Gaps: Pat Mora
Voices from the Gaps: Pat Mora
Pat Mora

Howard Nemerov (1920-1991)
Howard Nemerov - The Academy of American Poets
St. Louis Walk of Fame - Howard Nemerov
Howard Nemerov Page
Howard Nemerov and Objective Idealism Donna L Potts

Sharon Olds (1942- )
New York State Writers Institute - Sharon Olds
Salon: Sharon Olds
Sharon Olds
Sharon Olds Resources
Sharon Olds - The Academy of American Poets
Sharon Olds
Borzoi Reader | Authors | Sharon Olds
The Writer : Sharon Olds
Introduction to Sharon Olds

Wilfred Owen (1893-1918)
Wilfred Owen (Norton Poets Online)
Wilfred Owen Multimedia Digital Archive
Wilfred Owen
Wilfred Owen
Poems by Wilfred Owen
Poetry of Wilfred Owen (full-text poems)
Selected Poetry of Wilfred Owen (1893-Nov. 4, 1918)
Wilfred Owen: War Poet.

Linda Pastan (1932- )
Linda Pastan (Norton Poets Online)
Linda Pastan - The Academy of American Poets
Linda Pastan, Poetry: Issue Seven - The Cortland Review
Linda Pastan: Heroes in Disguise
Poetry Daily Feature: Linda Pastan - The Last Uncle
Linda Pastan
Ploughshares, the literary journal

Marge Piercy (1936- )
Marge Piercy
A Marge Piercy Home Page
Marge Piercy - The Academy of American Poets
Piercy, Marge
Poetry: Marge Piercy
Marge Piercy (video)
Marge Piercy�s Biography

Sylvia Plath (1932-1963)
Sylvia Plath Links
Sylvia Plath Forum: home page
Sylvia Plath - The Academy of American Poets
Sylvia Plath
Lucy�s Sylvia Plath Page

Sir Walter Ralegh (1552-1668)
Sir Walter Ralegh
The Works of Sir Walter Ralegh
The Avalon Project : Charter to Sir Walter Raleigh : 1584
Selected Poetry of Sir Walter Ralegh (ca. 1552-1618)

Dudley Randall
Dudley Randall
Dudley Randall�s Life and Career
Poetry: Dudley Randall

Dudley Randall -- Ballad of Birmingham

Ishmael Reed (1938- )
Ishmael Reed by Spring
Ishmael Reed
University of Delaware: THE ISHMAEL REED PAPERS
The San Antonio College LitWeb Ishmael Reed Page
Ishmael Reed
Ishmael Reed - The Academy of American Poets

Adrienne Rich (1929- )
Adrienne Rich (Norton Poets Online)
Adrienne Rich
Adrienne Rich - The Academy of American Poets
Adrienne Rich

Mary Jo Salter (1954- )
Faculty Profile: Mary Jo Salter
Mary Jo Salter

William Shakespeare (1554-1616)
Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet
humanities.lit.authors.shakespeare (Usenet newsgroup)
Shakespeare Homepage (MIT)
Furness Shakespeare Library (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Shakespeare Internet Sites
Sher�s Shakespeare Index
Approaches to Shakespeare (
The Shakespeare Web
Shakespeare Page
Approaches to Shakespeare
Renaissance Texts Research Centre: Shakespeare and the Globe
Internet Shakespeare Editions
Shakespeare Institute Library
Shakespeare Bulletin
Shakespeare and His Critics (seventeenth century to present)
Absolute Shakespeare

Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822)
Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Keats-Shelley House in Rome
Percy Bysshe Shelley Resources

Wallace Stevens (1879-1955)
Wallace Stevens
Hartford Friends and Enemies of Wallace Stevens

Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)
Alfred, Lord Tennyson (from Literature Online)
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Selected Poetry of Alfred, Lord Tennyson
The Tennyson Page (inc. online recordings)

Dylan Thomas (1914-1953)
A Child�s Christmas in Wales
The Dylan Thomas Centre (Swansea)

Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
The Whitman Project
Walt Whitman Home Page (Library of Congress)
Mickle Street Review: An Electronic Journal of Whitman and American Studies

William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)
LitKicks: William Carlos Williams
William Carlos Williams - The Academy of American Poets
Williams, William Carlos
William Carlos Williams
William Carlos Williams
Amy Munno�s William Carlos Williams Page
William Carlos Williams Review

William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
William Wordsworth (Representative Poetry Online)
Complete Poetical Works (Bartleby Project)
The Wordsworth Trust
Lyrical Ballads: 1798 text (Univ. of Oregon)
William Wordsworth (Victorian Web)

Thomas Wyatt
Sir Thomas Wyatt, the Elder (1503-1542)
Thomas Wyatt
Thomas Wyatt The Complete Poems.
Thomas Wyatt

William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)
Yeats, William Butler - Poetry Today Online
Yeats, William Butler - W. B. Yeats: The Collected Poems
Wind Among the Reeds
W. B. Yeats: The Collected Poems
Yeats, William Butler - Wild Swans at Coole
Yeats, William Butler - Atlantic Monthly
William Butler Yeats Poems
Heart�s Ease Library - William Butler Yeats
Guardian Unlimited - William Butler Yeats, 1865-1939
Today in Literature - William Butler Yeats
1Up Info - W. B. Yeats, (William Butler Yeats), 1865-1939




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Selected Texts (alphabetical by author):

"[There was a young lady of Riga]"

Matthew Arnold
Dover Beach"

Margaret Atwood
"Death of a Young Son by Drowning"
"Siren Song"

W. H. Auden
"Mus�e des Beaux Arts"
"In Memory of W. B. Yeats"
"Funeral Blues (Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone)"

Gwendolyn Brooks
To the Diaspora

Elizabeth Barrett Browning
"How do I Love thee?"

Lewis Carroll
"Humpty Dumpty Explicates �Jabberwocky�"

Margaret Cavendish
Duchess of Newcastle
Of the Theme of Love

Mary, Lady Chudleigh
To the Ladies

Billy Collins
Taking Off Emily Dickinson�s Clothes

William Cowper
Light Shining out of Darkness

Countee Cullen
Yet Do I Marvel

e. e. cummings
�[in Just-]�

Emily Dickinson
[Because I could not stop for Death, ]"

John Donne
"Batter my heart, three-person�d God"
Death, be not proud
"The Flea"
"The Sun Rising"
"A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning"

Paul Laurence Dunbar

Richard Eberhart
"The Fury of Aerial Bombardment"

T. S. Eliot
"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"
"The Hollow Men
"Journey Of The Magi"

James Emanuel
Emmett Till

Robert Frost
"The Road Not Taken"

Thomas Hardy
"Channel Firing"

"[No sky and no earth]"  

Seamus Heaney
"Mid-Term Break"

George Herbert
"The Collar"
"Easter Wings"

Robert Herrick
"Delight in Disorder"

Gerard Manley Hopkins
"God�s Grandeur"
"Pied Beauty"
Spring and Fall
"Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord"
"The Windhover"

Langston Hughes
"Harlem (A Dream Deferred)"
"I, Too, Sing America"
"Theme For English B"

Randall Jarrell
"The Death Of The Ball Turret Gunner"

Paulette Jiles
Paper Matches

Ben Jonson
"On My First Son"

John Keats
"Ode to a Nightingale"
"Ode on a Grecian Urn"
"La Belle Dame Sans Merci"
"On First Looking into Chapman�s Homer"
"On the Sonnet"

Henry King
"Sic Vita"

Denise Levertov

Dorothy Livesay

Audre Lorde
"Hanging Fire"

Richard Lovelace
Song: To Lucasta, Going to the Wars

Archibald Macleish
"Ars Poetica"

Christopher Marlowe
"The Passionate Shepherd to his Love"

Andrew Marvell
"To His Coy Mistress"

Roger McCough
Here I Am

Claude McKay
The White House

Edna St. Vincent Millay
"[I, being born a woman...] (Sonnet XVIII)"
"[What lips my lips have kissed] (Sonnet XIX)"

Marianne Moore

Pat Mora
La Migra

Howard Nemerov

Sharon Olds
Leningrad Cemetery, Winter of 1941
"Sex Without Love"

Wilfred Owen (2066)
"Anthem for Doomed Youth"
"Disabled "
"Dulce et Decorum Est"

Linda Pastan
"love poem"

Marge Piercy
Barbie Doll

Sylvia Plath
"Lady Lazarus"

Sir Walter Ralegh
"The Nymph�s Reply to the Shepherd"

Dudley Randall
Ballad of Birmingham

Ishmael Reed
"beware: do not read this poem"

Adrienne Rich
"Diving Into The Wreck"
[My mouth hovers across your breasts]

Mary Jo Salter
"Welcome to Hiroshima"

William Shakespeare
[Let me not to the Marriage of True Minds]
"[Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer�s Day?]"
[That Time of Year thou mayst in me Behold]"

Wallace Stevens
Anecdote Of The Jar
"Sunday Morning"

Alfred, Lord Tennyson
"Break, Break, Break"

Dylan Thomas
"Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night"

Walt Whitman
"A Noiseless Patient Spider"
"I Hear America Singing"
[I celebrate myself, and sing myself] (�Song of Myself� ll. 1-13)
"When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom�d"

William Carlos Williams
"This Is Just To Say"
The Red Wheelbarrow (so much depends)

Thomas Wyatt
"They Flee from Me"

W. B. Yeats
"Easter 1916"
"Lake Isle of Innisfree"
"Leda And The Swan "
"The Second Coming"
"When You are Old"


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Grammar, Writing, and Research Papers:

Prentice Hall�s iPractice

Study Guides and Strategies

Hodges� Harbrace Handbook

College Writing Skills with Readings

Patterns for a Purpose

How to Write a Research Paper

Online English Grammar

More on Writing a Research Paper

A Guide to Grammar & Writing

MLA format

Another Guide to Grammar and Style

Getting an A on an English Paper

The Grammar Curmudgeon

Society for the Preservation of English Language and Literature

re: Writing for Literature

Additional Textbook Options:

Used Textbooks:

E-Books: (B&N)

Textbook Rental:

Comparison Shopping:

Links to sites for textbook purchase or rental are provided for students seeking textbook options; no guarantees or recommendations concerning these services are intended, either express or implied.


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Last Revised: Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Site maintained by Brian T. Murphy
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